Dynamic Platooning

Project Team
1 Person

Master Thesis

Contact Person


The deployment of vehicle platoons on highways and the higher road network constitutes a viable solution towards more efficient transportation. The basic principle of such platoons is rather simple: One leading vehicle is responsible for steering control, whereas the preceding vehicles simply follow that leader. There exist different solutions for implementing this follow-the-leader concept. The microscopic traffic simulator TraffSim, which has been used in a variety of previous projects in the context of traffic simulation, has already been extended by a platooning model to simulate different scenarios for platooning. These scenarios comprise e.g. creating, joining or leaving a platoon.

In the scope of this project a platoon management framework should be implemented which is capable of finding vehicles which are able to form a platoon. Therefore an algorithm for matching routes and current positions of the vehicles has to be implemented to find possible platoons in a simulation scenario. The individual vehicles should be navigated to the locations where the platoons should be formed. Moreover, the framework should allow for the dynamic formation and deformation of platoons by utilizing C2C technology.